So I got Wondercraft recently and have been using it to help figure out the world of Hyperborea. Here’s the Black River region, where books 1-3 of the Tales of Hyperborea happen:
The ring of mountains around the ‘Battleground of the Gods,’ is cloaked in the Mist Wall.
Closer up, here’s Red River:
Here’s where Book 4 is happening, the region of Darfur. Darfur is inspired by R. E Howard’s Darfar - which in turn was inspired by the actual region of Darfur, in Western Sudan. Likewise, my Darfur is a rich region where humans are primarily, but not mostly, of Sub-Saharan origin:
Note the Mi-Go dominated in the South, Yarth-Tanophk. The Mi-Go, Yith, Elder Things, Flying Polyps, and Shoggoths are all out in force in Hyperborea. Some have use for humans as troops, slaves, and sacrifices. Others have no interest in them at all - and as likely to exterminate them when they find them, as not.
The Mi-Go do not make an appearance in Book 4, but a piece of their work does. The Mi-Go are genetic and cybernetic engineers, altering other creatures - and themselves - as readily as we would Lego bricks. This poses more than a little risk - and opportunity - for the people of Darfur.
Here is the world map so far; there are continents “off map” to the West, that I’m still trying to figure out.
Book 4 is at 11,000 words so far. I am aiming to top it out at 15,000. Speaking of book 4, here is the latest writing inspiration, the lovely Krystal Boyd: